Sunday, February 14, 2010

Back to the slopes.

The 2009-2010 ski season has been lean. Not much snow. Not much sun. Not much motivation to go skiing. But today, that changed! The day began slowly because of we decided to get Valentine's Day drunk last night (that's another story). Anyway, we made plans to ski with our friend Jeff, who is a Michigander, but now lives in San Francisco. At 8:45 am, and after a trip to McDonalds for Breanne's egg mcmuffin, we met Jeff at The Canyons for a big day of skiing.
It was shaping up to be a great day...a few inches of new snow, sunshine, and nice temps. We skied trees, steeps, and bumps all morning. It was fantastic! Unfortunately for Breanne, she had to leave at 12:00 for work. But Jeff and Craig skied like rock stars until the lifts closed...Perhaps that is an exaggeration, but that's the way I remember it!

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